Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Body Language... I think I'm a Gremlin.

I've been putting in long hours lately, so this morning at 3a.m. My body started having a conversation.

Stomach: GROWWWWWWWL, I'm hungry. I want to eat.
Brain : It's 3a.m. We are not eating!
Stomach: I said GROWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL, we are not a gremlin, we can eat after midnight.
Brain: Can and should are two different things.
Brain: Don't quote video games, your not getting any food. Last time I gave in to you, we spent 4 of my favorite sleep hours sitting on the john and contemplating the existence of god!
Eyes: Do you realize the strain I went through last time?
Stomach: Growwwwl, Do you know how much strain I'm going through now?
Eyes: Careful, everyone knows I'm bigger than you.
Brain: Stop, you'll wake the neighbors. We live in a co-op, not a bunker.
Stomach: Pppppuuuullleeeeeesz?  Things will be different this time. We have whole grain pop tarts. They are whole grain, that makes them good for us.
Brain: Now I know why your the stomach and not the brain. If I let you have one, will you shut up and stop interrupting everyone else who is trying to work?
Stomach: YES! YES! YES! Yes, I will!
Brain: OK., one Whole Grain Pop Tart.

Fast forward to 4:45a.m.

Brain: About the existence of god...
Brain: I told you this would happen.
Stomach: Why would you listen to me? I'm not the brains of the operation.
Intestines: I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha!! "I HATE YOU ALL!!" That is HILARIOUS!! My favorite post of yours ever!
