Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weather Insanity - Darwinism Has Gone Extinct.

Over the next few days, I'll be posting some of the things I wrote during hurricane Sandy.  The two weeks following the storm, I had no electricity, sometimes no water and thanks to Comcast and AT&T no communication with the outside world.   This was written on the day of the storm.

I never understood the stupidity of people stocking up on meat and dairy products before a storm. My neighbor went to the store to get soups yesterday and asked me if I needed anything. Earlier in the week I stocked up on water, canned goods and dried foods, so I had all I needed. My neighbor couldn't believe the mass hysteria at the store. They explained that the meat aisle was wiped out as well as the dairy case and the frozen food aisle was being picked through violently. We laughed. How the hell did these people expect to keep the meat and dairy fresh if they were not going to have power? We didn't even discuss the frozen foods. Maybe it is because my complex has multiple power outages a year, so the residents understand the formula (refrigeration – electricity)=lost food. I'm guessing though, that it leads to a much deeper stupid in these peoples lives. In times of potential strife, these creatures aren't running for cover, they are purchasing things that comfort them, needs be damned.

When I was younger, I worked in a supermarket. I remember a particularly bad snow storm that I walked to work in. Cars were swerving all over the road and in the mile walk, I saw several accidents. When I got to the store, it was chaos. The supermarket was out of eggs, milk and chopped meat(most meats, but people were complaining about the chopped meat). People were freaking out and demanding that we get them the goods that they wanted. I remember seeing a friend and his wife there. I asked them, why in their right minds, would they risk their lives coming out to the supermarket in such a bad storm? The answer floored me. They were bored, they had no power, so they decided to go food shopping.

I've been bored before. Just never enough to say, “Hey let me risk my life for a, soon to be spoiled, gallon of milk and dozen eggs.”. I can't believe in creationism but seeing the current state of the human race I truly believe Darwinism is a hoax. If what we have is the fittest, the human race should be plunged into the bowels of hell.

I'm not saying that our ancestors never should have left the cave for fear of being eaten. I'm saying if Darwinism held true, these peoples' ancestors would have left the cave, even if the sabre toothed tiger was standing at the mouth, just to pick flowers and berries and we wouldn't have to deal with their ancestors today.

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