Friday, June 21, 2013

Waiting Repetitiously.

The kids and I went for another hike today. Lizzy saw a tick. When we got home she insisted I wash the clothes she wore, so that it would get rid of anything on them. Emily chimed in that she also had clothes that needed washing. We completely forgot to wash them earlier. Now I'll have to stay up until the dryer finishes.

As I sit here waiting for the dryer to stop, I realize there are so many things we wait for in life. Things completely beyond our control. The traffic light that doesn't seem to change from red to green, the person in front of you in the checkout line, the party you want to go to, etc.

The past few months, I've done so much. I've had so many blog worthy events in my life. I want to write about all of them tonight but as I sit in front of the laptop, all I can think to write about is the blasted dryer mocking me with the repetitious noise of clothes whirling around.

I could be writing about helping start the coolest frozen yogurt shop in the country. I could be writing about the museums and trails I hiked in SC. I could be writing about moving back to NJ. I could be writing about getting back on I could be writing about Lizzy's JV softball team winning the championship.  I could be writing about seeing the president in person.  I could be writing about accidentally getting backstage at a Bocelli concert. I could be writing about any number of things. Instead I'm listening to the dryer, waiting for it to complete it's cycle, so that I can go to bed.
I guess that leaves one more thing for you to wait for, that is beyond your control. The documenting of the many events that have transpired.

1 comment:

  1. Those aren't blog posts, those are mini-books... no wonder it will take time to get it all down!!
