Sunday, July 21, 2013

How Do I Know?

After the post, "D.A.R.E. to tell the truth?”, someone asked me how I know that my oldest daughter doesn't take drugs.  Long answer short, I don't.  Anyone who says they know, for sure, that their kids don't do drugs is lying to themselves.  I'm pretty sure she doesn't and there are no signs that she does.  She did take the D.A.R.E. Program when she was in fifth grade and I'm proud to say I openly and candidly speak to my children about drugs.  Children are not stupid.  I've told mine about how drugs make you feel when you take them and how they make you feel afterward.  I try to give them the perspective I had when I was their age as well as why my opinions have changed.

Some may think my methods of teaching my children about life harsh and that they should be shielded. Giving your child a shield is better parenting than shielding your child.   My kids and I have a solid channel of communication. They trust me, as I have always told them the truth, in return they are open and honest with me.  Do I think my daughter takes drugs?  Knowing her friends and her feelings about them, I doubt it.  Do I think she knows more truth about drugs than most teenagers, her age? 


1 comment:

  1. I only wish more parents would be that open and honest with their kids.

    I want a copy of that photo with the flower, it's gorgeous! I want to enlarge it and hang it somewhere.

    The photo of your kids is adorable!
