Friday, August 2, 2013

Emotional Purging.

It amazes me how writing can release feelings that are deep within the recesses of our souls. Sometimes when I start writing, I don't really know where it is going, I just sit back and take the incredible journey that unfolds before me. I often wonder if people who do not write can consciously experience the feelings of reliving parts of their lives. When memories flow to paper, they become more vivid, more current, more alive.

What brought about this particular nights writing was a question asked by a friend, it was about regret. I started to write a simple, dismissive answer. As I sat down, moments poured to paper like rain. I tried to hold back but each word, left a loud thud slowly filling dark spots of memory on the pavement of my emotions.

Before I knew it, the raw footage of my life was showing on the inside of my heart.  My wiser perspective critiqued and reviewed until something strange happened.  An epiphany of understanding.  In clarity I saw regrets but they had not stood the tests of time and scrutiny.  I assume the few current regrets will do the same.

I'm sure the person who asked the question was expecting a simple dismissive answer, they didn't get it.  If they had, I probably would have regretted it.

1 comment:

  1. It is true, I did expect a dismissive answer. Thank you for disappointing me. :)
