Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not So! Artistic Thursday.

I haven't been dating much lately. One of the reasons is that the Co-op has been a mess and I really would be embarrassed to bring someone home to it. In fact my project this past week was to redecorate my den and this week, it is to clean the place from top to bottom. I swore when I moved in that I would have a minimalist existence. Epic fail! Unfortunately, what I didn't count on was all of the stuff I owned being extremely in excess of the room I have. I quickly realized I was trying to fit ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.

The problem I've had up until now was that most of the stuff I have is in good working order, I just don't need it anymore. I tried to donate it, but the places I've gone to don't take electronics or cables or the other various crap that I'm trying to get rid of. I usually (read almost always) hate to throw good things out,but I have backed myself into a corner and six bags later, I'm seeing progress. Some lucky curb candier or dumpster diver will hopefully have a feast.

I know this is supposed to be Artistic Thursday, my schedule has just not been conducive to it. I've been so busy lately my camera hasn't even come out of it's case except for a friends wedding I shot a few weeks ago. That'll probably be another blog.

So I'm writing today because I promised myself I would write as much as possible and it gave me a reason to take a break from the de-pack-ratting and moving furniture around. Well back to cleaning out the closets.

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