Saturday, February 19, 2011

Common Sense, Treason, Unions, Liars, Immaturity and a Super Bowl Ring.

I've never bought a foreign car. I've always believed that in order to keep the economy healthy and Americans employed, the money made in America should be spent in America. That simple concept can't intelligently be denied and yet there are groups of American people who feel the need to hand over their hard earned cash to people half way around the world because American goods are too expensive. Most of these people are the ones complaining about the low wages and lack of entitlements given to American workers.
Yeah, this is going to be a rant against unions and certain treasonous politicians, but I really don't fear recourse. The union members have proven they are too stupid to think for themselves. They won't be reading this blog, unless of course, their union rep tells them too. If they are one of the aforementioned politicians, they're in hiding and will be for a while.
For those of you not reading the news, of course I'm referring to the lovely state of Wisconsin. Their team wins the Super Bowl and their senate and several thousand of their people become retarded. Did I offend Sarah Palin? Good cause she's retarded too, but that's a topic for another blog.
Back to Wisconsin. There is a bill that needs to be voted on in the state senate that includes:
1. Eliminating the collective bargaining rights of the union, except over wage increases not greater than the Consumer Price Index.
2. Having state workers pay more for health insurance and a higher percentage towards their pension
3. Giving people the right to a private vote once a year whether to be unionized.
The Governor is not proposing these things because he's a sadistic jerk, he's trying to avoid layoffs due to the state's projected $3.6 billion budget shortfall.
So now illegitimate baby having Rev.(Why do people laugh at religion) Jesse Jackson is down there rebel rousing. This is the same guy who, when I was a kid, claimed that Martin Luther King(Rolling over in his grave) died in his arms. Later we all found out that was a lie, like the ones he told all the women he slept with while he was married.

I Digress.

So this bill needs to be passed to help save jobs, seems like a no brainer. Basically it is saying the unskilled barely qualified union monkeys need to abide by the same rules that hard working people have to. They may actually have to justify their jobs, work hard to get raises, pay for there health insurance and put money towards their retirement. Am the only one who sees the craziness here? Wait, it gets better. The dumbocrats in the state senate decided they didn't like this bill; after all the unions steal from their less than intelligent members and funnel gobs of money and votes to the dumbocrats. So these members of the state senate not only won't show up for the vote, they run away to where else, but the place where only bad politicians go, Chicago. Running away from the vote? How old are these people? Four. They don't like the rules of the game, so they are taking the ball and leaving.

Well of course the liberal media makes a big deal about thousands of people marching on the capitol and touts the politicians who have left the state. If the stupid republicans had walked away from a certain Hawaiian’s (unpopular) health bill, the American people would have been in better shape, but would the press have been so kind? The press also stands behind the teachers who sympathetically decided to call out sick in support of their fellow useless, I mean union, brethren.

So basic rundown of whats happening...
Governor of Wisconsin decided to shore up the state budget and save jobs by proposing a bill that tells the union they cannot force membership, their less then intelligent sheep must actually earn their pay raises and contribute more for their benefits, like honest workers do.

Thousands of people (out of 5.65 million residents) showed up at the WI capitol building led by one adulterous scum bag liar and the press treated it like the second coming.

The immature dumbocrat members of the state senate disrupt the democratic process of their state and this country by playing hookie and 'hiding' in the homeland of the worst politicians in the world, Chicago.

The President, of course is siding with the unions. Why wouldn't he, they paid for his presidency and in turn were rewarded nicely with the ownership of two car companies and now his endorsement in Wisconsin.

Unions were started in this country to ensure that less than intelligent workers would be protected from unsafe conditions and not be taken advantage of. They were not supposed to be large businesses themselves taking advantage of the workers. They now take the workers money, tell them how to think, act and vote; all the while doing so to increase the profit of the union and pocket more politicians.

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