It's amazing, I did a poll in my co-op unit and here are the results...
100% believe no one would say they want to be taxed more.
100% believe harvard graduates are the dumbest people in America.
100% believe Alfred Nobel would have committed suicide, if he wasn't already dead
100% believe The liberal media believes the public is too stupid to question their ignorance.
100% believe the liberal media thinks their ignorance is genius.
100% believe that Reuters should be renamed Roto Reuters because all they do is write shit.
I was reading a Reuters article, oh who am I kidding Reuters hasn't written anything but propaganda or fluff for years. The piece is, 'Americans back mixed solution for debt crisis: Reuters/Ipsos poll' The piece is trying to make people believe that a, “...poll found that 56 percent of Americans want to see a combination of government spending cuts and tax increases included in a deal to bring down the U.S. budget deficit...”. Really? Let's raise the taxes on these 56% of the people and take care of our budget problems.
The next great quote is from a pollster, Julia Clark, she says., “...It does seem to be that the popular narrative is falling on the side of the president on this one...”. Really, so you are saying THE PRESIDENT WANTS TO RAISE TAXES ON EVERYONE? It is about time the media admits to this. Of course dim witted Julia did not expect Americans to read that into her quote.
But wait, as in a cheesy infomercial, there is more.
The piece then has a section siting, “WHO'S TO BLAME?”. In this section, “...The Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 31 percent of respondents held Republican lawmakers responsible... 21 percent blamed Obama and 9 percent blamed Democratic lawmakers.”, now I'm no math teacher, but given the admitted, “...margin of error of 4 percentage points for all respondents...”, that means the numbers, 31% republican, 30% democrat are insignificant.
It then continues, “...Along those lines, 29 percent said Republican lawmakers should give the most ground in the negotiations, a quarter said Obama should and a fifth said Democrats should.”. What. Wait. Along those lines? Who should give the most ground? Obama isn't a democrat?”. I think I need two quick impromptu polls in the co-op.
100% believe a quarter + a fifth = 45%
100% believe 45% > 29%
By Reuters own admission, 45% of the people side against the democrats and the president. That would mean Reuters article contradicts itself and it's title completely.
So Reuters, you useless, uneducated, hacks! Please learn how to report the news and while you are at it, take a basic math course.
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