Sunday, September 16, 2012

America's Got Some Talent.

This Blog was written several weeks ago, but I am finally posting it now...

OK, I took Lizzy to see a concert, so I took Emily to a taping of America's Got Talent. We went to a pre-taping of a performance of 'Once' so we were given premium seating for Wednesday (08/29/2012) nights' show. Emily, her friend and I took the early train to Newark and grabbed a bite to eat. We then took the light rail to the Performing Arts Center. When handing in our voucher, we received third tier tickets. What third tier means is that a low flying plane may actually hit you during the show.

We got to the show early and waited an hour until they let us in. Once in, we walked up a butt-load of steps to get to our floor and eventually our seats. The MC for the evening, Tom somethingorother was humorous and kept the audience involved. Besides the promise of premiere seats from 'On Camera America' and the occasional nose bleeds, the only other issue we had with the show was the 'direction', the audience was given. With all of the stand, clap, clap with hands overhead and so on, I felt like I was a young boy at church hearing the nuns yell, “Stand! Sit! Kneel!”.

I like seeing live performances of tv shows, unfortunately it's like looking behind the curtain. Some of the magic is lost.

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