Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cotton Cone

We miss so many things in life. There is so much beauty around us and we choose to ignore it or let it get sucked into the vortex of normality. While on a hike, Lizzy and I walked by a cottony looking plant. We took a few shots of it and continued around the brook. Luckily on the way back, we spotted the true intricate nature of the plant. This incredible plant releases it's future offspring with a spectacular ride through the air. We took a couple of shots knowing that this moment soon would be gone and we would have to find the same type of plant at just the right time on a subsequent year, just to see this spectacle again.
People say I'm a great dad. I try to be but am probably not.  I'm just a guy who understands some moments in life can only be seen once, after that you only see the results of those moments.

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