Monday, September 6, 2010

Hummingbird Moths

Of all the wee beasties that roam the butterfly bush, my favorite by far are the Hummingbird Moths. They look like a bumblebee pollinated a Hummingbird who raped a butterfly. I have been trying to get a picture of one of these amazing creatures all summer. Today, like many others, I went to the butterfly bush without my camera and sure enough, I could hear one buzzing close by. I ran for my camera and as I got to the door saw one out of the corner of my eye. It hovered just above a cluster of purple flowers a few feet from my door. I was in and out of the house in seconds. For a change, the hummingbird moth was still there.

I never saw one of these creatures before I moved to the co-op. In fact, the first time I saw one, I thought it was some type of smaller humming bird. Unlike humming birds, they are extremely friendly and don't really fear people, so after a close examination of one I realized it was some type of insect. My neighbor confirmed that fact and told me what the creature was.

They are so friendly I see them several times a day. Trying to take a picture of them, however, has been challenging. Like hummingbirds, they are mischievous and I guess, a little camera shy. When I don't have my camera, they'll stay 2 ft from me all day, but if they see my lens, they're out of there. I tried capturing them so many times unsuccessfully, that I thought I never would. That was until today. For some reason the one today decided he was not afraid of the camera. Had I been a better photographer I would have gotten this little bugger in some great poses, but I was so excited that I was getting any shots at all, I forgot to adjust my camera settings.

I'm sure now, that I'll have another chance to snap a few shots of one before the end of the season. It is amazing the way they hover above flowers only tethered by their proboscis, beating their translucent wings at sonic speeds. If you have hummingbirds or butterflies around your house look for these astonishing creatures.


  1. These things give me the willies. I'm fine with spiders. I'm fine with bees. I'm fine with snakes. These things. No thanks.

  2. Good thing your fine with bees or the next post might have given you the willies.
