Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The F-Bomb

Sorry, I love saying that. Not the actual F-word, though I've been known to use that too. It's like a conversation grenade. I almost expect a plane to fly overheard and bomb the 'F' out of something. It never ceases to amaze me, the power we give words. If I actually pull the pin and lob the proverbial F-bomb, people are appalled but if I say, “F-word”, or, “F-bomb”, people know exactly what I mean and yet it is, somehow, less offensive. Yes, there are plenty of examples. Putting the starting letter of an offensive word in front of the word, "word" makes the implied meaning acceptable.

Where is this going? I have no F´ing idea.

Maybe we should start using this methodology for all offensive words. I've never heard words like fat called the Fa-word or ugly as the U-word or awkward as the aw-word. Are these any less offensive or hurtful? The whole situation seems the st-word to me. I think the problem is that most people are NH's (kNuckle Heads), a story unto itself.

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