Monday, January 23, 2012


I'm tired of hearing and reading people bitch about the greed of big corporations. It's usually the people who are the greediest of them all, Walmart shoppers. I know there are people out there saying, "Reed, how does shopping at Walmart make me greedier than a corporation or one of  'those rich people'? It's really simple, when you break it down. Walmart came up with a great way to cash in on the greed of the American people. Greed is defined as: excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions.

Walmart shoppers want everything for nothing. They don't care if it costs a worker in borlakistan an arm and a leg(literally) and/or an American worker their job, as long as they can afford to get more and more items for cheaper and cheaper. After all, aren't they entitled to everything everyone else who works harder than them has?

Want to know the second most greedy people? Union members! These people are so greedy, they fight for more money and benefits regardless of the worth of their actual work. They pay money to an organization whose sole purpose is to buy politicians, have unfair laws passed and monopolize a work force that could/should be easily replaced by non-union members and people who, gasp, actually want to work for a fair wage. Union members I know the words, 'fair wage', are very confusing to you and have not been explained by your union leadership, do not panic, I will help you out. Fair wage is the amount the market is willing to pay for a service, not the greedy amount you want to embezzle from them.

I know there may be a couple of union members out there saying, 'Reed, I had to join a union and didn't have a choice.'. I genuinely feel bad for you. As someone who was FORCED to be in a union in my younger life, I know how much it sucks to be FORCED to give up part of your pay to a corrupt organization that does not share your morals or beliefs. I also know how hard it is to deal with unintelligent co-workers who would die to keep the corruption intact.

Some executives are greedy. Some are just hard working people who deserve a salary. Who can say what is a fair salary for an executive? The next group of greedy people, shareholders/investors.

Investors commit capital in order to gain financial returns. Who is an investor? Anyone who has stock, retirement funds, money markets, mutual funds or other financial vehicles. Why do investors part with their money? They desire as much return as possible. That sounds excessive to me.

A corporation is defined as: A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity. So big corporations are NOT greedy. Even though our government gives the legal rights of an individual to a corporation, a corporations is an entity and therefore can not have desire.

So let's take a run down.

Who is greedy:
  • All Walmart shoppers.
  • Majority of Union Members.
  • Some executives.
  • All investors

Who isn't greedy:
  • Corporations
  • Someone who doesn't shop at Walmart, isn't a union member, probably isn't an executive and doesn't invest.

Who does that leave?

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