Monday, January 2, 2012

How Many Times Did You Vote?

I'm a little confused. Not that that doesn't happen often. I've been reading a lot about the voter ID situation. A group of people want Americans to have a photo ID in order to vote for the fate of their country. The basis behind this is to reduce voter fraud by people voting more than once or under a false name. Another group calls this racist, classist and unfair.

What prompted me to write about this was Eric Holder, the Attorney General of The United States, is challenging a law passed in South Carolina that requires a picture ID in order for someone to vote. In 2008 the Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s law requiring citizens to show a government-issued ID before voting. This means that Holder believes he can supersede the Supreme Court. This should be grounds alone to kick his corrupt ass out, not to mention many other instances where this idiot has failed to do his job competently.

I digress.

So I started thinking about this.
Things you need a picture ID for:
Operate a vehicle / Drive a car.
Take an airplane or cruise.
Purchase alcohol.
Purchase tobacco.
Go to a doctor (unless under 18, then the parents have to show a picture ID)
Purchase a house or rent an apartment.
Get a credit card.
Get a government job.
Open a bank account.
Cash a check at a supermarket or other legitimate concern.
Get a library card.

I know there are more, but how many more do I need to prove my point?

Who would be restricted from voting?
People who have:
NEVER traveled in any form other than bus or train.
NEVER had an alcoholic beverage.
NEVER smoked or chewed a tobacco product.
NEVER filled out paperwork in a doctors office.
NEVER lived in an apartment or house.
NEVER had a government job. (or most real jobs.)
NEVER Had a credit card or bank account.
NEVER went to a public library.

So, who are we disenfranchising? Looking at the above list, you would need to live in a cave, never travel, drink, smoke, work, have credit, gone to the doctors or put money in the bank. If I've described a race in America here, I'd like to know which one. So how is requiring an ID for voting racist?

Yes the press is also on a classist kick. Having no real reporting skills or brains of their own (Yeah, I'm talking about you, you useless piece of pond scum (sorry pond scum) Chris Mathews.) the press has started 'Not so urban' legends. These myths look like a mad lib game and when read in the papers or online, look something like this...
There is an __________old woman
                  age over eighty 
in ____________________ that has never driven a car.
    Town too small to be on a map
She is very ____________ and lives in a
                   synonym for poor
 modest __________________.  She can not drive and does
             Type of low income dwelling
not get around very well because she has ___________________.
                                                                   Type of Ailment or disability
Her ______________________ struggle to bring her
       Member of family or organization
_______ food every week.
Type of pet
If the voter ID law passes, she will not be able to afford a valid ID to vote with.

These stories, meant to tug at your heart strings would make sense if:
A. There wasn't so many different but similar versions of the story in the media.
B. Voter ID cards weren't FREE in Indiana and South Carolina!

Yes, you read that right, FREE. In order to make sure that people were not disenfranchised, these states offer a FREE voter ID card for people that fit into all of the categories mentioned above.

If you ever run into a person that is opposed to voting laws requiring picture ID's (or Eric 'the incompetent' Holder), scream, “FRAUDSTER!!!!”, at them.

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