Friday, July 5, 2013

The (Lack of) Creative Process.

"Divine Writing"
I write a lot of 'blogs' that somehow never make it to the net. The writing process, for me, is often riddled with bad decisions.
In my head it works like this...
  1. Sit at my computer and come up with a great idea to write about.
  2. Kick the idea around for a few moments, honing it to a cognizant story.
  3. Do research on the net if needed.
  4. Find a picture that will fit the topic.
  5. Write something that will be entertaining, informative or funny.
How it actually happens...
  1. Have a funny or political thought while in the shower, in the car driving or while I should be paying attention to something else.
  2. Congratulate myself on finding such an awesome topic. I smile to myself and say, “Wow, this is going to be great!!!”
  3. Start researching the topic and get distracted by hours of blogs, facebook posts and videos of cats on Roombas.
  4. Go through my picture archives for a couple more hours not finding anything that fits the topic. Imagine what picture would be perfect. Realize I can't get to Wales to take a picture of a sousaphone on a mountainside at 1a.m. In the morning.
  5. Start writing the first few sentences. Notice I really hadn't thought of how the masterpiece was going to start, continue or end.
  6. Save the failed blog under some obscure file name like, “Another.odt”, “Pandoras.odt” or “All Things.odt” because hey, I may never be able to find the one I'm looking for but someday I may actually stumble upon something that inspires me.
  7. Put on my headphones, listen to music and figure, screw it.
  8. Pick out some pictures I like and write about my last hike.
  9. Post the blog and get back to watching Kittens on Roombas.

1 comment:

  1. DUDE, I have like 30 drafts in one folder and like 100 fledgling ideas in another. RIGHT??!!

    "Realize I can't get to Wales to take a picture of a sousaphone on a mountainside at 1a.m. In the morning."Ha! THAT.
