Thursday, July 11, 2013

They're Stupid(er) at Math in Oregon State Colleges.

Everyone Loves the word free.  The problem is, more often than not, free is not, well, free. The State of Oregon thinks they have a solution to the rising costs of college loans.  It's called "Pay it Forward, Pay it Back" aka Free College!  Of course their definition of free doesn't sound so free, closer to FREE, Provided you pay for it.  The way this plan is supposed to work, Oregon state colleges will give you free tuition as long as you sign a binding contract to give them 3% of your income for 24 years.

Not sure, but I thought we got rid of indentured servitude in this country a long time ago.  Putting aside a taxation crushing start up cost for this program (est. $9,000,000,000), that will keep tax payers burdened for a quarter century; ignoring that the typical Oregon State student will still pay about $14,000 a year in expenses (The cost of housing, meals and course materials Not Included in your 'free' education.), let's do some 3rd grade math to help the academic and political morons in Oregon.

I get out of high school and say, “Hey, I don't want to take out a loan for $35,200 (The average amount of college loan debt from the class of 2013 according to Fidelity.).  Instead I want to give my money to Oregon out of my salary for 24 years in return for a degree.".

Assuming, after I go to Oregon State under this program, I make $50,000 a year (averaged over 24 years).
I now give 3%  of $1,200,000($50,000 x 24 years) or $36,000 for my 'free' education.

OK, that doesn't sound so bad. Now, let's say that I don't get a degree in dead languages or horse psychology and instead get a degree that will earn me some real money like $80,000 a year (averaged over 24 years).
I now give 3% of $1,920,000($80,000 x 24 years) or $57,600 for my 'free' education.

OK, not that I'm a rocket scientist, just smarter than the people in charge of our colleges. Let's say I get a college administration job or a political position.
I now give 3% of of $2,880,000 ($120,000 x 24 years) or $86,400. Of course lobbyist and bribe money from book sellers would not be included.  Yes, I know $120,000 is really low based on median salary data for college administrators or politicians but you get the point.

I could even go as far as to say that if you won the lottery, so would the state, as that would be income.

Sadly, this plan is done under the guise of helping poor to middle class families. Instead it creates more of them. No one who plans on making any real money would agree to (or should have to) pay double or more for the cost of their education.  Let's attack the root of the problem.  I hear a lot of people talking about greedy corporations and executives.  Let us focus the microscope back where it belongs and examine the GREEDY colleges/universities and their administrations.

"This is what thinking out of the box looks like...", said state senator Mark Hass, chair of the senate education committee and sponsor of the bill in the senate.  Mark Hass, I can only hope you'll be looking for a job soon. This isn't what thinking outside of the box looks like, this is what not being able to find your way out of a box with the opening in front of you looks like.

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