Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blame the Vitamins

Lately, I've decided to be more healthy so Friday I started to take vitamins, nothing fancy, just some b's, e's and c's. I very rarely get sick, usually less than once a year. I'm really taking them because I watched a documentary on how good vitamins are for your body and how little nutrition the fruits and vegetables we eat actually have.

So, Friday day I made a pot of BBQ ribs for the kids and me.  That night Lizzy wanted to watch wrestling so it was snackapalooza. Saturday for lunch I made some fried chicken.

When I said I never get sick, I was referring to every type of disease but of the stomach variety. So Saturday night, there was a thunderstorm brewing in my stomach.

To show you a glimpse of my ape brain in action, the first thought that came to my mind is, "Damn vitamins!". It couldn't be the fried chicken, ribs, the large quantity of coffee or countless other junk I ate. No, it must have been the good stuff.

By Sunday day the storm had passed. I took some vitamins again and nothing. I guess even I can't blame the vitamins. Until next time.

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