Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Press 9 For Eternal Damnation.

While I was working today, the home phone rang. For some reason and against my better judgment, I answered it. The recorded voice on the other end blurted out, "Press 1 to find out about an exciting new church in your area, press 9 to be removed from our call list.". God has a call list?  Do I dare be removed from it?  I pressed 9.

Those who know me, know I have a beef with(the business structure known as) organized religion. One, no more than the other but for this blog, I will use the catholic church to mean all organized religion. This is because in a country where people will give their lives for it and where our most sacred document puts it first on the list (of our rights), the president`(a constitutional lawyer) and his cronies in Washington say my freedom of speech should be limited from talking poorly about any other religion, but of the christian variety.

My personal feelings about religion are just that, personal feelings. I have read the bible multiple times and though, I have not read the Koran(for fear of accidentally dropping it and pissing somebody off to the point of fanaticism), I think I get the gist of these books. What I don't understand is, if you have a relationship with your higher power, why should a building, group of people or business structure get between you and it?

Back to the computerized church message though. Has a wave of televangelists given way to telemarketing religion. It's bad enough I get spammed by religious friends with chain letters from god. Now I have to interrupt my day to press 1 for salvation.


  1. Press "0" it will connect you directly to GOD
    (If you pay the $5000. AT&T charge)
    PS. GOD is working in a call center in India.
    A Televangalist told me so.


  2. I was going to press "6" "6" "6" for Satan, but he's so busy it usually goes straight to voicemail and I was afraid to press "0" because if L. Ron Hubbard answered I would have had to call the suicide helpline, or read page 87 of "Diuretics".

  3. You mean pg 87-104, right? :: laughing::

    I once worked as a telemarketer for a short bit. Here's how one of my calls went:

    me: "hi, would you like a free estimate for moving?" (having obtained list)


    me: "um, alrighty. I'll take you off the list then."

    Sheesh. They could have just asked nicely instead of damning me to hell and stuff.

  4. Hols,
    No offense,I hate to tell you, but If you were working as a telemarketer, hell is inevitable....

