Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Boobs Who Live On Sesame Street.

For those of you that don't have kids or don't read entertainment news, Katy Perry (a singer) filmed a duet with Elmo(a Sesame Street character). Sesame Street decided to cut Elmo's duet with Katy because she was showing too much cleavage for preschoolers. Maybe some gay men and uptight women would look at her and say she was too sexy for children, my guess is an infant would be thinking, "lunchtime! Where's the taps?". Why is it we villain-ify breasts? Breasts should be revered. They are one of the many beautiful parts of a woman's body. If Katy was a sloppy woman of any other ethnicity with her boobs hanging out of her overworked tube top on 'The Price Is Right' or 'Worlds Laziest Loser', they would say it's OK, she can't help it. This is a young attractive woman though, so the moral upright(read slothenly(or slovenly) and lazy) are up in arms.

I have issues with this. First, this is PBS, the station that brought nudity to the seven channel airwaves when I was a kid. Second, we complain about women's low self esteem and then tell them their breasts are horrible scary things that must be kept out of the sunlight. The only breasts seen in their entirety are the unrealistic breasts of actresses or pin-ups. Lastly, who sees more breasts than infants? This would be the equivalent of saying my diner is offensive to some people, so we have to cover it up and only I can eat there.

If Sesame Street really wanted to help all of these kids, they would probably show the clip followed by, "This clip was sponsored by the letter 'E' as in entitlement or employment. One your parents feel and the other something they can't get because of that feeling."

I'd post a picture with this blog, but it would probably offend some unemployed minions who watch Sesame Street.

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