Sunday, November 7, 2010

Writings From A Train.

I was invited to go to an art show in the city. It is at a gallery, so I figured I should probably not wear my jeans and a t-shirt. I have done that before and who would've guessed they frown upon it. I have a ton of dress clothes that never get worn, problem with working at home. I pick the same outfit I wore several weeks ago to a christening. This works because, while the rest of my dress clothes have been sitting in the closet, these clothes have been recently cleaned and are easily accessible. I drop the kids off at grandma's and begin my dash to the train station. One small problem. There is a rip in the crotch of my pants. Not so much a rip as of an unseaming. Quick, to the thread. Five more minutes and I'll miss the train. Of course out of all the pants I could have chosen, I had to take the 'easy' ones that had a problem. I quickly grab thread and needle and go to work. First attempt, huge fail. Second attempt, it will have to do. Mad dash to the train station and I just catch the train.

It's the weekend, so the train stops at every forsaken place it could possibly stop at. The trip that would take an hour on the weekdays, takes almost twice as long. I decide to continue writing pages for my novel. That lasts about 15 secs. Before I start writing this blog. I now realize with the time it is going to take to get to the city, I should have driven. We'll see what the traffic looks like when I get there. Did you ever notice wherever you sit on a train, the loudest J-hole with a cellphone will sit next to you. Today it was a Jamaican (from the island, not Queens or maybe both.) woman. The people four cars away must have looked like they wanted to hear her conversation because she was loud enough that they did. I was not in the mood for conflict so I ignored her.

I always bring a bottle of water to drink on the train, commuter survival rule #127. The downside to a bottle of water is that drinking it on a train has the side effect of making you have to use the bathroom, right before your stop. Today was no exception.

Well, I'm in the city now, I realize why almost fifteen years of commute was way too much. I'll post this later tonight after I get home and put the kiddies to bed.

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