Monday, November 29, 2010

Full Body Scanners

OK, with all of the press this was getting, I had to put in my 2 cents. People are freaking out about the new TSA body scanners at the airport. Really? Is your life that empty that this is a cause that you feel compelled to fight for? World hunger? Nah! World Peace? Nah! Airport scanners? My God! That is the most important cause I could have, I may even have to miss a PETA meeting.

Basically this thing produces an outline of your body. There have been fake scans on the Internet showing a naked woman,but if your stupid enough to fall for them, you probably shouldn't be trusted to pack your own luggage. What makes people so scared of the human body and even more scared of their own? So some unknown watcher can see your outline. Trust me most of the bodies going through that scanner aren't exactly Playboy material and if they were, probably wouldn't be so upset if someone saw them. If anything, I think the ex con TSA workers should go on strike over this. Would you really want to see the majority of those scans?

This is just a simple security device, at airports, one we wouldn't need if law enforcement were allowed to do their job in the first place. Unfortunately to do their job correctly they need to exercise those dirty words, “good police work”, I meant to say, “Racial Profiling”, sorry, easy to confuse. If the airports only needed to scan people who would be suspects, the seventy year old woman in front of me, wouldn't be subject to a body cavity search (but I think she may have enjoyed it.).  That lady may have been filled with gas, but my guess is she didn't have a bomb on her.

Speaking of strip search, why don't we get rid of the scanners all together and instead of making one TSA person suffer through the outlines of 'The World's Biggest Losers', subject everyone to it? Shoes, shirt, pants, skivvies in the bin, you can meet your clothes at the other side. This would probably be more effective then a scanner anyway and cost much less.

The airport would even be a much friendlier place. No one would cut you off to get into the security line quicker and I'm sure there would be a lot less conversation between friends and coworkers on their way to the gates, “So...”, looking up, “how's... the weather?”

Until we decide political correctness does not mean that we have to cater to every last individual in this country, we better get used to more invasive technologies in all of our lives. For those people that complain about the scanners:  If it is because you are ashamed of your body, work on your self esteem.  If it's because you have no better cause to argue, than maybe the scanning you need to worry about, is not that of your body but of your life.


  1. I agree with you, but articles like this do not help the scanner's case!

  2. There is an actual scan picture on this site. Sorry for the long url, but as the hype has been progressing, it's harder and harder to find the real pictures on web sites...
