Sunday, November 21, 2010

Some Lessons In Life Need To Be Experienced.

My teenage daughter proclaimed to me that, "A life without love is not worth living.". Ah to see through the emotional eyes of a thirteen year old. I can't fault her. When I was younger, I believed in love above all. I was even more of a hopeful romantic then, than I am now. As much as I'd like to shake my daughter out of her hormone induced euphoria, I know that lessons in love cannot be taught by a parent, but only by life and experience. There is a different lesson plan for everyone when it comes to love and sadly, I'm sure there will be many a tear shed in the name of learning by my daughters.

As far as a life without love, I don't know. If the statement is about romantic love, I think there are times when romantic love is slightly overrated. I love my children, my family, my friends and the small joys and moments that move me. Romantic love is more difficult though, it is a lot of work. It is not without reward, just not always a priority.

Yes, sadly I have become older and more cynical. I now see both sides of the glass. I see friends who are 'happily married' envy the freedom of single life as much as I see single friends who envy the security of married life. I wish there was some way to walk the line, unfortunately it doesn't work that way. For now, I'm walking on the freedom side of the road.

Advice I can give my daughters from a parent, “Follow your heart.”. In matters of the heart, it is wisest not to envy others for what you don't have but cherish that which you do. The heart will bring you on wonderful adventures, some not to your liking, but others to the place where you will ultimately be happy.

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