Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Let Me Look Into My Crystal Ball.

I love astrology, psychic readings, tarot cards and the like. When I was a teenager, I even believed in most of them. Of course, I also believed in religion back then. I find all of these things very entertaining now, they draw me in like a good book or TV program. Just the other day I was looking at a horoscope and as I began to read it was like, "This is pretty good.".
It started out...
'People born under this sign have an attitude and know how to draw a spotlight. They keep it on themselves as long as they choose.'. Wow, so far sounds like me.
' They are flirty and semi serious'.  Hey, they have me nailed.
'They have a highly charged aura and are flattered by attention. They have a hard time knowing who to trust and their romances are affected because of this.'. I don't know what plug I need to maintain a highly charged aura, but three for three, I continue with great confidence.
'They are sunny towards their past and therefore have a great attitude about the future.'.  This is uncanny.
'They believe their children will learn lessons just as much in failure as they do in success.'.  Everything they said describes me exactly. This person knows me.
Maybe this stuff isn't complete bunk. Now I start reading horoscopes for other signs. Oh my gosh, they fit me exactly too. My mother must have been in labor for 12 months, I just kept popping my head out once a sign.

The problem I have with all of these readings and psychic "stuff" is there is never anything really negative to it. Yeah, you'll hear a psychic tell someone that a time would be bad to do one thing or another. How negative is that really? I think I would find horoscopes or psychics more realistic if they would once in a while say, 'If you were born under this sign, you will be a douche. No one will like you and wait, please pay up front, I want to make sure I get my money before you die in the next five minutes.".

You can call me a hypocrite because I believe in karma, the power of positive thinking and that everything in the universe is somehow connected. Aren't parts of our human condition faith, hope and love? I've been watching a lot of documentaries on people who have survived one fatal disease or another. Not one of the people who has beaten the odds ever said, "I planned on dying.". Each one tells a story of hope, or a story of a religious belief that has brought them through to their recovery.

True Hope, True Faith, True Belief and even True Love can conquer more than the provable realm of science can afford us. Are there powers at work that we do not understand in the universe? I like to believe so, and I hope to never find out otherwise. As far as people seeing the future, they can, but only if they pay attention and wait for it to happen.


  1. I strongly believe in karma - the power of positive thinking and "what goes around, comes around."

    Examples? One of many that comes to mind was my mom driving in the snow to get home. She saw a guy in a suit walking in the snow and offered him a ride home. She asked him where he was going and he told her his car broke down but that he really should be at his daughter's concert at school. My mom drove him to the school, even though it was 30 minutes in the wrong direction AND in the middle of a bad storm. When he found out how she lived in the other direction, he was shocked.

    Fast forward A YEAR AND A HALF. I had to get a few of my fillings redone (3 of them). I went to the dentist and came out to pay for it (expecting it to be expensive, as my mom had warned me). The dentist said it was free. He recognized my name and he was the one my mom helped.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing nice acts of kindness. The cheesy, typical one... paying for someone's gas or groceries when I see they can't find their wallet or money.

    Ok... enough of that... I really just wanted to say I LOVE the photo. It's amazing!

  2. I just wrote out a long long comment. Did you get it?

  3. Sorry, I took so long to write back. I love the cheesy acts too, they are usually the easiest to perform and are very rewarding.

    The picture is an older one. It's my second favorite Dragonfly shot that I have taken. I know lately my pictures haven't exactly been going with my writings, but I've had a lot of writings that I don't have pictures for.

  4. Remind me which picture is your favorite dragonfly?

  5. I thought my favorite shot was of a red tail, but after looking at this one again, this might be my favorite. I am currently getting used to my new camera, so I'll post the red tail with my latest blog.

  6. This one is by far better. It's an incredible shot.
