Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Goat Clue" - It Was Abraham on the Rock with the Knife.

To my Muslim friends, Happy Eid al-Adha.  To everyone else, three terrorist free days.  I don't mean to be hard on Muslims, but yes you are thought of as terrorists.  It's your own fault.  If you want non-Muslims to treat you the same way they treat everyone else, you have to clean up your own backyard. 

This is not just a Muslim issue.  It goes for anybody of any race or creed.  If your race is associated with crime the members of your community that perpetrate those crimes are not, "Good boys.".  They are scumbags and the parents, if they protect them, are also scumbags.  If that upsets you do something about it.  Take responsibility for yourself and your community.  If you know someone who is a criminal or a terrorist, TURN THEM IN!  Don't blame the police.  They are sacrificing their lives because of the delinquents you are protecting.

Yeah, I'll probably get some hate mail for this blog, but I really don't care.  I'm tired of communities whining that they are being treated differently.  You are being treated differently!  You're being treated the way you are asking to be treated.  If you don't want to be treated that way then change the perception people have of you.  I'm not saying everyone knows of a criminal or terrorist based on there race or religion,.  I'm saying a lot do and would rather, "protect their own", then the greater good of mankind.

I have a quick story on this:
I remember as a commuter, a particular train ride home.  Two Hispanic teenagers got on the train with a boom box and started playing their music extremely loud.  All but four of the commuters and myself left the car spitting out racial slurs. The five of us that stayed attempted to ignore the occurrence by putting on headphones and reading.  The music was louder than any headphone could drown out and the conductor said nothing and avoided the car.  At the next stop, Newark Penn Station a Hispanic businessman got on the train.  As he entered the car and heard the music, he screamed at the kids in Spanish and they turned off the boom box.  He then proceeded to apologize to the commuters left in the car.  It was not an apology from himself, but from the Hispanic community.  His words were to the effect that he was sorry there were people in his community that did not raise their children with respect.  His words were powerful and regret evident.  In my eyes, he was a great man.  He understood that sometimes there is trash in your own community and even though the trash was not of your own making, you should clean it up.  Five commuters gained a whole new respect for the Hispanic community that day.  Unfortunately many more left the car and their respect behind.

I know being a white male, many people are going to ask how I help clean up my backyard.  Easily, I let the police do their job.  If Charles Manson came to my door, I wouldn't hide him, give him food or tell him how to get away from the police, I would call 911 on his ass and they could pick up the remains.  The same goes for McVeigh or any other white criminal.  Criminals of other races, I'd just turn them in.  See the difference there.  If a policeman stops me while driving and says I match the description of a suspect, guess what, I don't run, call the ACLU or sue.  They are "racial profiling", those are key words for "doing good police work!".  They are looking for someone of my description, not pulling me over would  be negligent.. 

There is always an excuse for not doing the right thing.  Not stopping a crime you know about is worse then committing the crime yourself.

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