Saturday, July 24, 2010

An Earlier Lizzy-ism

Five Year Old Logic and Seeing Eye Dogs.

Several years ago, my eldest daughter, Emily and I saw a Seeing Eye dog, in training at our local bank. It was shortly after we put our dog Connie to sleep, so we talked to the trainer at great length. She was very friendly and even talked to us about dogs that 'failed' seeing eye class and how they needed good homes.

When we got home, seeing eye dogs were still the hot topic and while we were talking about them my younger daughter, Lizzy (5 years old at the time) was perplexed at the concept. I began explaining it to her. The dog acts as the blind person's eyes, when they hold the dog's leash, the dog navigates them safely through everyday obstacles.

She looked up at me confidently and with a face full of epiphany blurted out, "Blind people must chase a lot of squirrels."

I love when my children say things like that. As a parent I try to teach my kids to think outside of the box. It's always refreshing to see they have a whole different box.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Comments like that are exactly why I wanted to start blogging in the first place.
