Thursday, June 17, 2010

Friendship Between The Lines

I have reconnected with many friends as of late, thanks to the internet. One, a dear friend, who I hadn't talked to in 19 years. We have begun communicating back and forth via email, she is free in words but not in tongue and has never liked to talk over the phone. I email her day-to-day funny things that happen to me and we are starting a project together. She is very inspirational and has gotten me back into writing, (the reason I started this blog is because I read hers.) She's gotten me to take photography seriously again (I'm on a photo scavenger hunt while in the city). She has revived an artistic passion that was more a casualty of my marriage than my divorce.
Right now, she is going through a very tough time in her life. She keeps saying she is going to write a letter to fill me on the years we have missed together. I originally said the same, but realized, I just got through a tough time in my life and if I had to write about the last 19 years, It would not only conjure up the happy times, but the shadows of severely sad ones.
I have come to the conclusion when finding old friends, we don't need to relive bad times and sorrow filled moments.
There will always be times like that in life and we can support each other in those moments of the present. To really reconnect, we need to move forward and talk in the present. The details of our past will always be in our words and the words that we know are hiding somewhere between the lines. I'm sure she will read this blog, hopefully it will make her realize, I'm here to comfort her, not make her relive the things she is so desperately trying to move beyond. The past does not need to be brought up, the past will bring up itself, in words and actions going forward.

1 comment:

  1. First, your photo scavenger hunt... I have a friend who has a photo blog of her children (click on Twice as Many Moments from my blog). She's trying to take daily photos of them. However, what I think you'd like to participate in would be the weekly photo scavenger hunts that she does. It's pretty neat to see what people come up with.

    Second... I'm not sure if you know my connection to your friend (I'm only assuming I know who you're speaking of), but I like what you said in this post and I'm sure they both appreciate it.
