Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stream of Consciousness Moment.

We interrupt this blog for a stream of consciousness moment.
I listen to a motorcycle roar stories below as I sit on the terrace. A horn honks as a baby cries, the symphony of the city envelops me. I look up from my laptop as a tree on the terrace tells a secret to the neighboring plants in the voice of a gentle breeze. I am in harmony with the city. An ever present hum is the chorus while distant laughter is the refrain. It is night time, the Empire State Building points to the stars in a lighted spiral. Man has become a god and can touch the sky. I close my laptop and let my eyes adjust to the contrast of the skyline. Was that a shooting star? The universe penetrating man's inner sanctum? Another hope and dream dashing down to the people filled streets below? I do not worry, there are plenty of stars hiding behind the city lights.

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